Saturday, July 30, 2011

JCPenny early morning shopping brag

Ok, I should have known about this and posted about it earlier so more people could have know, but luck just so happen to shine down on me this morning I thought I needed to brag about it!

JCPenny was having a door busting sale until 1pm today. I received 2 coupons in the mail last week for $10 off a purchase of $10 or more and a $10 off a purchase of $25 or more. I've been beating around the bush all week with these coupons and wanting to go buy some more maternity shorts. Well, I had to leave early this morning to go walk a friend's dog and on the way back home I thought, "Ok, it's the last day I can use these stupid coupons and I really need some more shorts, I'll just stop by real quick pick some up and get home." Well, as luck shown down on me they had a red tag clearance up to 80% off! YAY!! So, it turns out it was not just a quick trip, not that is was a bad thing. :)

Lets get the run down on the savings, I need a drum roll here:

Denim Bermuda Shorts     Reg. $36.00
Black Cami                      Reg. $16.00
Pink Cupcake shirt           Reg. 12.99
3/6m onesie                       Reg. 9.99

Total without discounts: $ 76.45 (with tax)
Total Paid: $26.04  Savings of 66%!!
Second Transaction ( I used both coupons)
Sterling Silver Chain   Reg. $30.00

Total paid: $2.12  Savings of 93%!!!

Ahhh, I feel much better today. Shopping does the body good.

1 comment:

  1. I love Penney's sales!! Good ones going on now with clearance items 70% off!!
